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Unleash Your Inner Picasso: A Guide to Pattern Design

When you are designing a surface pattern, there are a lot of factors to take into account.

However, what really constitutes a successful design? Why do specific designs appear to hit the mark while others fall short? What are those essential components?

Now, let's explain the procedure. I've produced a list of ten guidelines to help you build visually appealing surface pattern patterns.


Since color may change a design's mood and feel, it is one of the most crucial components of surface pattern designs. It's critical to carefully consider the colors you choose for your palette since it may make or ruin a design.

What, then, is a color scheme?

A color palette is a store of colors selected to go well together. Make sure you have a solid knowledge of your target market and final product before you start designing since this will significantly impact the color palette you select.

Find help to design a color pattern


Your design will appear more harmonic and complete visually with balance. The components in your design should function as a unit. 

A design's balance may be evaluated in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Color: ensuring that your colors are harmoniously blended and well-balanced
  2. Textures: Make sure the textures you choose complement one another.
  3. Layout: Select a layout that complements your chosen themes and your intended result.
  4. Size: Consider the dimensions of your themes and how they relate.


You may add depth and intrigue to your design by using contrast.

One can employ contrast in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Color, such as vivid vs muted hues
  • Textured vs plain sections of texture
  • Dimensions, such as significant versus little themes

Establish a focal point.

If you want your surface pattern design to look overly cluttered and hard to read, giving some regions more prominence than others is a good idea.

Your choice of theme can help create a focus point; for example, a highly ornamented motif surrounded by simpler parts would work well as a focal point. Additionally, you may construct it by selecting the color, texture, and size of your design pieces.

Attempt to modify the repeat type.

Consider switching up the repetition type you're employing if your design doesn't function or seems correct. The repetition type may be changed to alter the appearance of your design significantly.

Your design may seem less formal, for instance, if you switch the repetition type from a full drop/block repeat to a half drop/brick repeat. It will also be more difficult to determine the beginning and end of the repetition.

To learn more about the many kinds of repetitions, see here.

Make sure to produce a smooth repeat.

The ability to produce smooth surface pattern repeats is one of a surface pattern designer's most crucial tasks. You won't be able to tell where your design ends or begins in a seamless repetition. It ought to seem smooth and fluid.

To see how to make seamless repetitions in Illustrator step-by-step, see this link.


Using texture in your design may be a pretty easy approach to add interest. Using line texture techniques is one of the easiest ways to add texture to your surface pattern designs. Take into consideration adjusting the line's thickness and direction, or utilize it to form patterns in your design.

To learn more about applying line to texture, go this link.

Additionally, printed methods like block printing, lino printing, and stamping can be used to generate texture.

To learn more about creating texture with printed methods, see this link.


Adding depth to your design is a fantastic method to generate curiosity.

Overlaying your design components is the simplest method to achieve depth. You will be able to have some foreground and some background items as a result.

To maintain harmony in your design, you must give careful thought to your color scheme while utilizing this approach.


Often, we are so engrossed in crafting exquisite themes that we neglect to take the surrounding area into account. Just as potent as the positive sections are the negative spaces, sometimes known as the backdrop spaces. Take a moment to consider such locations and ensure that you are maximizing the negative space in your design.


Think about the proportions of your themes and how they blend together. You may sometimes add additional interest to your design by only altering the size of the parts. Experiment with different element sizes.

After you've completed your design, make sure you take some time to step back and evaluate your work. Does it function? Does it work?

If not, have a look at the above checklist to make your design truly unique.


How do I start designing patterns?

The best way to start designing patterns is to find your inspiration and choose your tools. Explore different styles, eras, and cultures to discover what resonates with you. Then, pick the tools that fit your comfort level and creativity, whether it's pen and paper, digital software, or online resources.

How is pattern used in design?

Patterns are used extensively in various design fields, including:

Fashion: Clothing, accessories, shoes

Interior design: Wallpaper, fabric, furniture

Graphic design: Logos, websites, packaging

Product design: Homeware, electronics, toys

Web design: Layouts, buttons, backgrounds

Patterns can add visual interest, create specific emotions, and enhance the overall aesthetics of a design.

How do you create a graphic pattern?

The process for creating a graphic pattern is similar to the steps outlined in this article. Briefly:

Find inspiration and define your concept.

Choose your tools (digital or analog).

Develop your basic motif and ensure repeatability.

Experiment with colors and refine your design.

(Optional) Translate your design into a physical product.

Is pattern making easy?

Pattern making can be both easy and challenging depending on your goals and the complexity of your design. Simple, repetitive patterns can be created quickly, while intricate designs with specific themes may require more time and practice. The key is to start small, experiment, and refine your skills gradually.

What are the 23 design patterns?

The "23 design patterns" usually refer to the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns, a catalog of proven solutions for common software design problems. These patterns are not directly related to surface pattern design, but understanding them can be helpful for creating digital tools and applications related to pattern creation.

What are coding patterns?

Coding patterns are specific sequences of code commonly used to solve programming problems. They are different from design patterns in the sense that they focus on code structure and syntax, rather than broader design principles.

What is C# design?

C# design refers to the process of creating software applications using the C# programming language. This may involve utilizing design patterns, coding patterns, and various design principles to structure and develop software effectively.

"Transform your brand or personal products with captivating, eye-catching pattern designs that leave a lasting impression. Whether it's for your website, packaging, or marketing materials, our skilled designers are here to bring your vision to life.

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